Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Here is this weeks focus wall. 

We did a fun activity today to review our 2D shapes, What does the SHAPE say? The kids thought my fox was a bear...I really am not the best artist, but it gives them a laugh. 

Happy Birthday Autumn!!! 

 We all enjoyed your yummy cupcakes. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

This was our focus wall from last week September 21-25. I am going to try to post a current focus wall each week so you can see what we are learning each week. 
Johnny Appleseed was our focus this past week and we made Johnny Appleseed hats and had a guest come and read a book about Johnny Appleseed to the whole kindergarten. 

Another science activity on apples. We did an experiment where the students had to predict whether an apple was going to sink or float and then we did the experiment and glued the apples appropriately on their graphic organizers.

These pictures are of some of the students writing. They did a Johnny Appleseed and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom writing and craft. I thought they turned out so cute. 

These pictures were taken last week. Our focus last week for math was 2D shapes: Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle. We did these activities below by building the triangle, square and rectangle with Play Doh and Popsicle sticks. We reviewed where the sides and vertices are on the shapes. We counted the sides and vertices for each shape too. 

We also made ice cream with shapes and reviewed how many sides and vertices are on each shape. Sorry the picture is on its side. 

These were taken the week of September 14th-18th. Our focus for science this week was Apples. So we first learned about apples by labeling the different parts of an apple and learning the life cycle of an apple. Then, we did a taste test. 
This is such an awesome picture. I love it! 

We tasted the red, green and yellow apples and described how each one tasted...sweet, tart, juicy, crisp, etc. Then we made a graph of our favorite apples. Red apples were liked the best, but the scores were close. 

 Then these pictures below are of the students writing about their favorite apple. They wrote I liked the _____ (red, green, yellow) apple the best. 

These pictures were taken during center time/guided reading. Everyday from 9:30-10:00 we have center time/guided reading. This is where students work independently on reading/writing skills at the centers in small groups. While the students are working in their small groups I also pull students to do guided reading. Guided Reading is where I pull small groups of students based on their reading ability and skills and work on the reading skills they need to help them master their letters and sounds and become readers. Mrs. Grow also pulls students to go over alphabet rings and sight word rings during this time. 
The kids love center time! 
These two kiddos are at the Write the Room Center, where they are going around the room to write down their friends' names on their papers. This center gets them practicing writing and recognizing their friends' names. 

IPad Center

Writing and Classroom Library Center

Listening Center 

These kiddos below are at the ABC center. 

And a lovely picture of me...Haha not really. 

These pictures were taken the week of  September 14th- 18th. Our focus for Language Arts was Plot (Beginning, Middle, End). On Friday, September 18th I read them If you Give a Pig a Pancake and then we retold the story with pictures. 
Then, of course for snack we had pancakes. Yum..Yum! 

The kids at this table ate their pancakes before I got to take their picture. But, just so you know everyone received two mini pancakes to eat for snack and of course some yummy syrup to dip them in. 

This was taken the week of September 7th-11th. One of our topics for social studies was American pride so we made red, white and blue hats to celebrate American Pride. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Open House

I was very excited about Open House this year, because I have not had the opportunity to meet my students' parents. I missed Kindergarten Orientation, due to the fact that I was not yet a Kindergarten Teacher. So I was super excited to meet the parents of the darling kids I see everyday. Here is my room all ready for Open House. I was extremely happy when all my donation hands were taken. I am blessed to have such supportive parents and families.

1st Day of School as a Kindergarten Teacher

I have not posted in a long, long while! A few days before school started I was blessed with a new position at my district...Kindergarten!!! I am so happy and excited to be a Kindergarten teacher. I must say being a kindergarten teacher is definitely exhausting, but I have to say I wouldn't want any other job in the world. Here is my new classroom all ready for the first day of school! :)