Sunday, October 25, 2015

Petting Zoo!!! 
Our high school students brought in some animals from their farms to teach the elementary students about the animals. They learned many new things and they got a chance to pet the animals. 

 They even got a chance to milk a cow. 

Our Star of the week last week was Brody. We enjoyed learning more about our friend Brody and he was my helper throughout the week with helping to pass out papers or collect papers. 

Our Focus wall for Oct. 19-23. 

Happy Birthday to our friend Zack!
 Thank you for the yummy cupcakes. 

This week in math we discussed halves, equal parts and symmetry. Here is one thing we did to learn about symmetry. 

Our topic these last couple of weeks was on shapes both flat and sold. We were sorting the food based on whether it was a plane/flat shape or solid shape. The kids love this activity and best of all they got to eat the food after they got finished sorting the shapes. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

We read the story Leaf Man and then made our own leaf men. It was such a fun day! 

 Thank you to everyone who sent in materials so that we could make our leaf men. 

This past week our math focus was on Solid Figures. We learned about a cone, sphere, cube, and cylinder. We described each shape and then the students paired up and drew real life pictures of things that look like those solid figures. 

Then we did a little experiment with the solid figures, by seeing whether they were able to roll, slide or stack. 

Fire Prevention Month 
This week we focused on Fire Prevention. We read many different stories about fire prevention and firefighters. Here is the students writing below on firefighters. 

We made firefighter hats to wear when the firefighters came to speak with us. 

The students got to see a local firetruck. 

They also got to walk through and sit in the firetruck. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Here are some activities we did last week. We reviewed our 2D shapes by making shape pizzas and counting all the different shapes. Then we took a look at the leaves we brought in from home and described our leaves and then sorted them based on the color. 

Last week we focused on some nursery rhymes and learned about sequencing (order of events in a story). My students helped me sequence the nursery rhyme Hey Diddle Diddle.