Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Peek Inside My Classroom

Being a reading specialist I am very privileged to having my own classroom. My classroom is half the size of a regular classroom, but big enough for me and my small groups of students. I try to make the best of the small space, plus it only being my second year teaching I am still learning what to hang up on the walls and how to organize my space.
Here is the front of my room, with my kidney table up front to be used for small group instruction and guided reading. I tried to arrange my room so that it has an open concept so that it is easier to monitor my students. 

Here is my word wall, which I placed right on my cabinet doors to try to utilize the space that I have. 

This side of my room holds Wilson letters and pictures on the top of the white board. I also have the Kindergarten map sounds, which I posted right above the Wilson letters. I also have my Essential Questions posted right by the door so they are easy for my principal to find when she comes in for a walk through or observation. I also have other things posted on this side of my room that relate to my different RTI groups.

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